Cure for the Common Leader:
What Physicians & Managers Must Do to Engage & Inspire Healthcare Teams
Cure for the Common Leader translates the latest research on leadership, employee engagement, and motivation into SEVEN actions physicians and managers must take to engage and inspire healthcare teams. With more than 14 years of experience training leaders, Joe Mull packs each chapter with tips, ideas, strategies, and exercises to help physicians and managers get their teams firing on all cylinders.
3 Steps to Drastically Improve Your Healthcare Team
Step 1
Cure for the Common Leader
Step 2
Cure for the Common Leader
Get the free resources.
Step 3
Transform your
healthcare team
and wow patients
Meet the Author
Joe has spent thousands of hours shaping managers into strong leaders with his decades of experience, compelling content, and dynamic delivery. In demand as a speaker and trainer, Joe has attracted audiences of all sizes from all sectors from all over North America. Prior to launching his own firm, Joe was head of Learning & Development for a Top 10 U.S. healthcare organization where he managed training for more than 9,000 employees at over 500 locations.
Joe is Certified MBTI practitioner, has taught leadership courses at Ohio University and the University of Pittsburgh, and holds a master’s degree in education from Ohio University.
What Others are Saying
“Finally, a leadership manual for physicians, practice managers, unit directors, chief nursing officers, or anyone else service as someone’s boss in a healthcare setting. This book is a powerful primer on successfully building teams and leading people.”
“25 years in healthcare has taught me that managing a team is the most challenging part of the job. This book is a clear, specific action guide that spells out exactly what healthcare leaders must do to be successful.”
"While healthcare undergoes a variety of changes, one thing remains the same: the need for physicians and managers to build, lead, and sustain talented, dedicated teams. Mr. Mull has outlined exactly how to get there in one of the most practical healthcare leadership books you will ever read.”
Cure for the Common Leader
Improve the Quality of Your Healthcare Team in 3 Easy Steps
Read Cure for the Common Leader
Implement Cure for the Common Leader
Get the free resources.Transform your healthcare team and
wow your patients
Cure for the Common Leader translates the latest research on leadership, employee engagement, and motivation into SEVEN actions physicians and managers must take to engage and inspire healthcare teams.
The Free Resources are your tools.

Who is Cure for the Common Leader for?
Healthcare Leaders
Chief Nursing Officers
Key Employees
Business Coaches
Unit Directors
Practice Owners
Written for physicians, practice managers, unit directors, chief nursing officers, or anyone else serving as someone’s
boss in a healthcare setting, this book is a powerful primer on successfully building teams and leading people.
Do you want to feature Cure for the Common Leader in your…
Video series
Here’s what you get:
A Stay Interview Questionnaire
A Staff Agreement exercise
26 Questions for Engaging One-on-Ones
A Retreat Planning Guide
A 20 Minute Patient-Centered-Care Staff Development activity
A Physicians and Managers Checklist for Welcome New Employees
A guide to Writing Performance Reviews that Get Results
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